2 Ocak 2008 Çarşamba


When Cameron Diaz ,Gwyneth Patrow and Reese Witherspoon all become brunettes a few years ago,colorist across the country shuddered."Suddenly I has all these blonds who said they wanted to go dark,"recalls colorist Andrea Sher of Anagen Salon in New York's Cheksea district" said "No,you don't.What you really want is a change.If you decide you want to return to blond in a couple mounts, you are going to put your hair through major trauma" Louis Viel of the Miano Viel Salon says he conducts what amounts to a therapy session when a blond wants to go dark."Nine times out of 10, I will implore her to make the change over a few visits" he says."No matter how beautiful a woman may look as a brunette,the first time she sees herself in the mirror, she is going to cry. Everybody cries"

Tip No.1,2 and 3 for women considering a major color transformation: take it slow take it slow.You won't just avoid a hair catastrophe:you will give yourself the opportunity to try our several new look.A blond who though she wanted to go mink brown may fell reinvented with a few caramel low lights, while a brunette pining for Gwen Stefani platinum may discover she looks fabulous in Debra Messing.

If you want to go lighter , ask your stylist how many shades your hair can be lifted without causing damage,and how many visits it will take to achieve your desired shade."any change that takes you more that two or three shades lighter or darkes is going to require a lot of maintenance" warns Viel

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